Dijkstra's algorithm

Finding the shortest path from a given source to every other vertex

Given a graph and a source vertex, Dijkstra’s algorithm can used to find the shortest path to all vertices from the source vertex.


  1. Maintain two arrays
    • An array to track visited vertices and initialize its values to 0.
        visited = [0] * Number of vertices + 1
    • An array to track distance and initialize it to infinity (max value).
        distance = [1000000] * Number of vertices + 1
  2. Set distance[1] = 0
  3. Repeat the following until all vertices are visited:
    • Find j with minimum distance and make sure its not visited previously.
    • Set visited[j] to true.
    • Recompute distance[k] for each neighbor k of j.

Sample code

  # V - number of nodes
  # Adjacency matrix is used

    # variable initialization
    distArray = [1000000] * V
    vistSet = [False] * V    
    def minDistance(distArray, vistSet): 
        minimum = 1000000
        for v in range(V): 
            if distArray[v] < minimum and vistSet[v] == False: 
                minimum = distArray[v] 
                min_index = v 
        return min_index

    def dijkstra(srcNode):
        distArray[srcNode] = 0
        for i in range(V): 
            u = minDistance(distArray, vistSet) 
            vistSet[u] = True

            for v in range(V): 
                if graph[u][v] > 0 and vistSet[v] == False and distArray[v] > distArray[u] + graph[u][v]: 
                        distArray[v] = distArray[u] + graph[u][v] 
        return distArray


  • Time complexity - The complexity will be O(n^2) when using either of adjacency list or adjacency matrix.
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm uses a greedy approach and it is guaranteed that optimal solution is obtained all the time. This is emphasized because greedy approaches doesn’t provide optimal solution in some cases for some problems.
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm won’t work if the edges in graph has negative weights.


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