Linux file permissions

Permission groups

  1. owner - owner of the file.
  2. group - a group of users.
  3. others - basically everyone.

Permission types

  1. read
  2. write
  3. execute

Changing permissions using numeric code

Code Permission Symbol
0 No Permission - - -
1 Execute - - x
2 Write - w -
3 Execute + Write - w x
4 Read r - -
5 Read + Execute r - x
6 Read +Write r w -
7 Read + Write +Execute r w x

Commands for changing file/directory permissions

Viewing permission of a directory or a file.

ls -l    #linux
ls -lthr #OSX

Changing file permission of a directory/file.

#sets full access for owner and read + execute permission for group and others.
chmod 755 /path/to/directory  

Changing file permissions for a directory and its contents recursively.

chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory

Changing owner of a file or directory

chown rukman spring_security
#for recursively changing ownership -R can be used.

Where rukman should be one the user in the system.

Changing group ownership of a file or directory

chgrp group1 path/to/file

Where group1 is one of the member of user groups in the system.

Other usages

Setting permission and ownership upon creating a directory.

sudo install --owner=rabbitmq --group=rabbitmq --mode=755 \
--directory /var/lib/messageQ/rabbitmq/server

#the install command would also create missing parent directories.

pluralsight - linux file permissions
install command - man page
