Coding with EAFP mindset in python

EAFP principle (Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than it is to get Permission)

The EAFP is a common principle/coding style used by the python community. It is a style in which the attributes or keys are assumed to be present and if the assumption is false, it is catched and handled in an exception. try/except play a great role in this style. This is opposed to LBYL style(Look Before You Leap) where the programmer needs to carefully evaluate the conditions before doing something.


(LBYL style):

from os import path

if path.isfile('hello.txt'):
    data = open('hello.txt')
    print('file does not exist')

(EAFP style):

    data = open('hello.txt')
except FileNotFoundError:
    print('file does not exist')


  • Cleaner code
  • Code is faster when running in the happy path. This is because the conditional checks are avoided before doing someting.
  • A try/except block is extremely efficient if no exceptions are raised. how fast are exceptions

Also to be noted: While most of the times the EAFP style might be the way to go, Sometimes it is not.
